Lovely long walk today, crossing various parks. The weather didn't look too good to go to the sierra (in fact we also heard the awful news this morning that someone had died in a small avalanche yesterday in an area we've been to before), plus everybody is a bit knackered because I've been waking up in the middle of the night so often, so we decided to go to El Capricho park and from there walk to Abuelo & Abuela's.
El Capricho is a lovely park built by rick folks (the Dukes of Osuna) a few centuries ago, before I was born. We walked around for a bit but realised our original plan, to cross the park and continue onto the next park, would need revising as there is only one entrance. So we had to come out the way we came in and then go round El Capricho to get to Juan Carlos I park. Then across that to get to Juan Pablo II and finally to the lunch table at Abuelo & Abuela's.

Got the car and GPS as evening was turning into night as we were off to a house warming party. The problem with this GPS is that in tunnels it doesn't know where it is, but that doesn't stop it from taking a guess at a few directions and throwing us completely off track. Daddy said it reminded him of the Bolivians they'd met in their South American trip who would make things up in an effort to be "helpful".
So we finally got to the party, with me crying bloody murder because I was really hungry. After feeding I was fine though, in fact I was a very good boy and did a lot of sleeping. Also, we found out I am going to have a new little friend: one of Mummy and Daddy's friends is 8 weeks pregnant!