Started the morning in a mini-photoshoot with daddy attempting to make some arty farty high-contrast photos of me. Not amazing results, but Daddy is new at this - next time we'll try with more light and more contrast.
We then had another shoot, this time little feet and hands, which Daddy has been wanting to do for some time. Mummy went to the gym but wasn't too pleased with the lesson, too light she said.

Walked down to the Prado again - the idea was to see if the queue was as long as last time this time we could at least continue to Reina Sofia as it is open on Saturday afternoons. Cunningly we planned to get there for 5pm, when entrance is free. Ge got there bang on time and amazingly there was no queue. Soon we found out why: the Prado's free entrance doesn't start until 6 on Saturdays. So on to the Reina Sofia.

The first thing we went to see was "The Tower", where you go up some steps while people see you from below and, with the help of some cunningly placed mirrors, it looks like you are floating in a room. Such a shame we didn't take the camera! We could have also done with it a bit later on, when we explored the museum's terraces with great views of Madrid.
We then went to see a photo exhibition, which we didn't like so headed off to the permanent exhibitions to see a bit of Picasso, Dali and Miro. Before catching the bus home we rounded of the day with a drink and a snack at the Diamante smoke-free bar. Then one last photoshoot before heading off to bed while Mummy & Daddy watched a Spanish film, El Club de los Suicidas.