Today is a Collado day, to go and visit Tito, Tita & the girls (and to celebrate Tito's new job). I was so excited waiting for Abuelo, Abuela & Bisa to turn up in the car that I fell completely asleep in my chair. Daddy then used me as a model (and what a model!) to try out his new tripod.
So the gang arrived in the two cars and we all drove up to Collado Mediano. After lunch we all went out for a little walk to a nice part of Collado we hadn't seen before, full of nice big houses with huge gardens.

We were spending the night there to all go trekking tomorrow, so in the evening we said goodbye to Abuelo, Abuela & Bisa who all drove off in Abuelo's car (we'll take Abuela's car back tomorrow).
In the evening we went to the supermarket to get some food for tomorrow and Daddy had a go parking Tito & Tita's car, which he did quite well. Parking seemed to be his strong point during lessons but the last lesson he had yesterday apparently he was a bit pathetic, so he wanted a little extra practice. I wasn't there but Prima told me he was fine.

So we all had a nice quiet evening at home, watching the cold outside. Primita is getting too big for her "bumbo" chair and I am inheriting it, so we tried plonking me on it to see how I faired. Pretty good I think. I get tired pretty quickly but I can keep my head up for some time. Plus it's good exercise.
Oh, nearly forgot, it's my fourth-month birthday today! You can get so blase about these things when you have had as many month-birthdays as me...