Our hotel is in the village of Perales del Puerto, not to be confused with the mountain pass (Puerto) of Perales, which is where we headed this morning. We made a small detour to see the cheese factory in Hoyos to make sure it would be open tomorrow as the hotel owner had told us it's goats cheese had got first price in last year's European cheese championship. From the beautiful view at the pass we had been told not to go on the small road to Acebo as it was a nasty bendy pot-holed track with nothing to see. Luckily we ignored the advice, as the road wasn't worse than many we'd been on (though we have been on pretty horrible roads) and the sites were wonderful.
From there we drove to Trevejo, a really tiny village of about 30 inhabitants (all seemed over 80) with a small Muslim fort. It was one of those villages time seemed to have forgotten, with not a single modern house. We then had lunch at San Martín de Trevejo (people round here don't seem to have much imagination naming villages) where the roads have small canals of water running down the sides, to feed the various orchards around the village.
As we had time to spare we took a scenic route back to the Borbollón reservoir, stopping at another village, Santibañez el Alto. Today was a very glib show, with most of the cranes on their island by the time we got there, which was a lot earlier than the day before. We waited around in case the cranes had decided to put on a late spectacular, but nope, nothing. Boy were we lucky we had decided to see the cranes yesterday as well!