Had plenty of visitors for lunch - Tito & the girls, Abuelo & Abuela and Bisa. Today was Tita's birthday, and she came round after work to join us for coffee and a very chocolaty cake. When Daddy got home from work it was present-giving time and then we had to rush off to my doctor's appointment - Mummy and Daddy had decided my midnight awakenings, change of feeding patterns, and extra crying needed to be looked at. Also we can check my weight properly - using the home scales (adult+baby - adult weight) is a bit inexact.
Indeed I am underweight (4850 g, 62 cm) but we'll wait and see what happens on my "official" appointment next month. The latest changes are probably due to my gums being a bit inflamed - teeth not coming out just yet, but apparently gums can flare up occasionally ahead of time. Also I may be going through a growing spurt and by eating more often I stimulate Mummy into producing more milk.
From there we headed off to Mummy's old neighbourhood for another birthday at one of the good local restaurants. Not really a late night as tomorrow is still a work day for Daddy.