Primita came over to visit today as Tita is back at work and today is one of those days Tito can't work from home (Abuelo & Abuela have gone for a short break to the Canaries in search of some winter sun so they can't look after her). Had a great time, and we all learned I'm quite a flirt. I did loads of smiling, glad to have another baby around. We both had lunch at the same time, me on the breast and Primita on solids & bottle - Mummy is so clever, a supermum!
Daddy came home early as he has early driving lessons in the build-up to his exam next week. All he needs is to do a couple more hours teleworking each time to catch up. Oh, and today he got me some vouchers for the nursery (a special deal at work).
A few changes today: I had a go with a new dummy today which Mummy reckons I like more as I let it slip out less, and Daddy discovered how the hammock works and managed to change my normal position to something a bit more upright. Lately I have taken to dancing sevillanas (waving my hands about) while eating. Also, I am holding my head up pretty well, though I no longer bend so much when Mummy or Daddy burp me - I think it's because I don't enjoy it as much as before as it's no longer so necessary.