Horrah, Father Christmas arrived! Not that I know who he is, or what a present it, or anything, but everybody seems very excited. Actually Father Christmas didn't come here as we had plenty with all the presents we made each other. The biggies: Grandpa got a waterproof case for his camera (coincidently the same as Mummy & Daddy's, so it may be borrowed sometime in the future), Oma got some speakers for her iPod, Mummy & Daddy got the digital SLR they have been taking photos with all week (so no major surprise there). The big surprise (well, not for us as we already knew) was that Auntie unveiled her new driving licence. Come on Daddy, hurry up with yours!

After all the excitement we had a long walk with Oma down to the Fuengi castle. It was a lovely and bright afternoon and we saw the new bridge Daddy hadn't seen, and the end of the promenade which even Oma hadn't seen.
We also hooked up with the same friends from a few days ago for a short evening walk and picked up a bath tub for me to leave at Grandpa & Oma's.

A bit of change in the feeding department: I get bored of the same tit for seconds on end so I want to change various times during feeding, not just when I empty one.