Woke up to quite a ruckus downstairs: a youngish guy had sat in one of the doorways on the other side of the road and died overnight, a suspected overdose. The police were there and had covered him with a blanket, and shortly after his mummy came and burst into hysterics. A sad start to the day.
Today the plan was to go to see the rock formations at El Torcal, near Antequera. As it would be quite cold, but too hot for my snow suit, we decided I'd stay in pyjamas as an extra layer and put my day clothes on top. In the event I ended up in pyjamas all day. So we got the car and drifter towards Antequera on small mountain roads and on the way there saw another accident - this time a local had crashed his moped and lay in the ditch, his neck at a nasty angle. There were already some people there so we didn't stop.

Stopped for a lovely lunch at a great venta outside Antequera and then drove on to El Torcal. The weather was great, with just a light wind. As it was lateish by now we took the short (45 minutes) path round the rock formations (a crazy limestone karst landscape). The light was great for a few nice snaps which we promptly took. Last time Mummy & Daddy came it was all misty and dark and freezing cold.
When we got back I spent most of the evening crying, but calmed down after a relaxing bath (in which I had a little pee).