A new month, a new record. 5 hours between feeding! Mummy & Daddy got a nice stretch of kip. I was making sure I'd be full of energy for the big day out. Mummy & Daddy's first "trek" in ages. The original plan was to go to see the autumn colours & pick up chestnuts in El Tiemblo, a few hours from Madrid, but it turns out we are a month early and the colours & chestnuts wouldn't be ready, so we headed for Zarzalejo for an easy country path which the strollers could handle (not much shade for the kangaroo packs). Got sidetracked on the way by some huuuuge blackberries the adults couldn't help picking. Still, we managed to walk a fair way and then back for lunch to Collado Mediano. From there back to Abuelo & Abuela's to drop off the car, and Abuela was kind enough to drive us back home so we didn't have to take the tube. I think I like October as well.
Today I have been sleeping really well, so Daddy can stop trying out his techniques for a bit. Also, I'm growing! I'm fattening up a bit, putting on a bit of flesh so I'm beginning to look like a small baby and not like a new-born baby. I'm getting taller, I think today is my last bath in the washbasin and we'll begin to use the plastic tub. And it looks like I'll have curly hair, at least initially. Now we are just waiting to see what colour my eyes will be...