Friday, 31 October 2008

My first real smile

Daddy is working from home today as he had to do some paperwork for his Spanish nationality, and boy was he lucky! This morning I finally did it, I gave them both my first real smile! At this stage I smile at anyone who acts like an idiot in front of me, apparently it won't be for a few months that they are my own smiles rather than me just imitating, but it's still an important milestone.

Later that morning Daddy went off to do his paperwork and I had a sleep in my hammock. Daddy wasn't impressed when he came back, apparently he didn't need to do this bit of paperwork, but at least thanks to that he didn't miss my first smile. Mummy and Daddy spent the afternoon both doing a bit of work, and then we went out for an evening walk, combined with a bit of clothes shopping (ended up with a new top and a lovely winter hat) and popped into the post office (a letter for Daddy, no presents for me this time).