Mummy is really getting into the swing of things now. Not content with climbing and the 8 minute abs workout today she did a bit of yoga with the help of a video she got. Soon she'll be fighting fit again.
Popped into the doctor to double-check I'm OK. I still cry a bit out of one eye (nothing to worry about as long as there is no red), have a bit of yellow in my eyes (nothing to worry about in the first 2 months if I'm breastfeeding, plus it's clearing up), and have a weird mark on my forehead (perfectly normal and will eventually clear away).
Mummy & Daddy decided I need to be an eco-friendly baby so today Mummy bought me a set of washable nappies online today. I guess I'll start using them soon, when I'm a bit bigger. We also discovered my kitchen robot baby food maker had been tampered with at the shop and has a couple of pieces missing. We've got the ticket so we'll pass by the shop one of these days.
Big day for Daddy too, he had his first driving lesson after work today. He came back bragging he'd got it up to fifth gear and hadn't stalled once. I didn't believe a word of it.