Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Visit to gynaecologist

Can't find a decent book on Soria for Mummy's gynaecologyst so he gets a nice bottle of wine instead. Not much else all day until Daddy got back from work and we went to see Mummy's gynaecologyst. He had to rush off to the clinic for a delivery, so he took us with him and we waited outside. Nice revisiting my birthplace. And Mummy is fine and can do any type of exercise.

Then a friend of Mummy & Daddy's came to the clinic as her tummy hurt. She said I had changed so much since she saw me last, about 2 weeks ago! They didn't take her insurance so we went to another clinic nearby where we left her as they had to do some tests. Her boyfriend popped by the house but in the end it was so late he left to pick her up. Oh well, she can take a proper look at me some other day.