Back home today! Oh, and this morning my umbilical chord fell off to reveal a lovely belly button. Had breakfast in the square with grandparents, and then they left back to Malaga. Hopefully I'll see them there in a few weeks.
Check up with the paediatrician this afternoon. Apparently not only have I recovered the weight I lost just after birth ("normal" babies don't achieve this until they are 10-15 days old), but I have also put on 100g. And I'm 1cm taller as well! Apparently all is well and I'm lovely and healthy. My belly button is fine. One of my eyes started oozing a bit this morning, but apparently that's nothing, in fact it's probably due to the fact that I like lying on my left side more - the doctor told Mummy & Daddy they must get me to lie on the other side for some time each day, otherwise I might get neck-ache.
Mummy & Daddy hadn't realised I needed to fast for two hours before the second blood test, so before going to the nurse we went for a long walk, and dropped some presents at the clinic on the way. Then we went back to the nurse and had my heel pricked for the test.
That evening we all did a bit of filtering on our collection of photos, which threatened to get out of control. And I spent a pretty restless night as I was very hungry for some reason.