Had my first bath today. Mummy & Daddy didn't see it as it was done by the nurses, but, aided by Tita, they did get to put on my first few nappies. Mummy only had 2 stitches, so she can actually get up already. Nurse said today was a day for sun, so I spent most of my time near the window. There were quite a few more visits today, and also a call from the hospital photographer who did a whole series of wonderful photographs (another present of a lovely blanket came in very handy as a background). I also got a lovely basket of goodies from the nuns that run the clinic (Abuelo works here as a doctor, so we get special treatment). The photographs had an extortionate price tag so we repeated the whole photoshoot for ourselves for free with a friend's camera. Then off to the crèche again.
Mummy and Daddy have heard so many parents talk wonders about their baby/toddler/child, especially "how advanced for their age" they are at this or that, that they have decided I am a genius, or "superdotado". I'm sure they are right. Every time I yawn or open an eye they claim to the rest of the world: "see how advanced he is for his age? Superdotado of course". I'm begining to suspect they are taking the piss.