It can wait no longer. Today is paperwork day. Mummy, Daddy, Abuela & I spent all morning with civil servants but in the end it was worth it. Firstly we realised that, contrary to public opinion, they really are quite helpful. Secondly we got me all the paperwork sorted so that now I have a doctor.
Mummy got the clippers out & gave Daddy a good skinhead heaircut, I hardly recognise him! Then he went off to get me a doctor's appointment and spend some time with Oma & Grandpa. They went to the cinema to see The Dark Night, the latest Batman movie. Surprisingly they all liked it. Meanwhile some of Mummy's girlfriends came over and we had a "chill out" bath in the dark. Then we had some more family over (Mommy's family is huge), I was exhausted by the end of it all.