Mummy & Daddy, now over their initial shock, came into the clinic at 11 and Mummy got a drip of oxytocin to get the contractions started. Today is a local holiday, so they were told there was only one anaesthetist on call and she would be unavailable (at an operation) from 13:00 to 13:30. The contractions were pretty bearable, so Mummy said fine, she'd wait for the epidural until afterwards. As bad luck would have it, at 13:00 on the dot the contractions started getting nasty, and Mummy & Daddy had a horrible 40 minute wait until the anaesthetist was free.
Spent the first three hours in bed with Mummy, all wrapped up. Everybody was dying to hold me (and Mummy was dying to put me to her breast and also take a decent look at me) but weren't allowed to until I was all warm. But finally the wait was over, and I had a few gulps of colostrum, and plenty of photos were taken. The nurse came over and said I needed to cry and did something annoying to my feet, which made me cry and exercise my lungs a bit. Tita arrived with Tito and the girls, as well as a whole bunch of Mummy & Daddy's friends. Some brought me a lovely towel which was just as well as my parents hadn't brought one and I needed it for the bath next morning. Then all calmed down, and I was taken to the creche so Mummy & Daddy could rest for a few hours that night.