Had a 150ml (minus one or two ml) bottle in the morning with Mummy and then we went with Abuela in Abuelo's big car (Abuela's is being fixed at the moment - the small dent we got when the motorbike crashed into us, or us into him) to IKEA for the wardrobe bar. Finally got the right thing this time. So we put up the bars (Mummy had already put in the drawers) and started piling clothes into the wardrobe. Still a few odds and ends lying about (amongst them the two doors) but at least the house looks a bit less like it's just been bombed. We also put up the mirror in my room to make it look [even] bigger. Mummy painted the frame in bright lovely orange.
Daddy proper (i.e., not the temporary piece of cardboard) driving licence appeared in the post today. Apparently he was born in the US. A typo he's going to have to get corrected, so more paperwork... To celebrate he prepared a 180ml bottle and, after a brief struggle, managed to shove it down my throat. I drank it nearly all down, leaving less than 30ml as I was full up. In no time now all the guesswork as to what colour eyes I'll have will be over (you never really know with us babies until we stop breast feeding) - most bets are on dark green or hazel.