Tried to go for my passport this morning, but without much hope; we only had a photocopy of my birth certificate. In the end it was good we tried it because at least we learned we needed a better photo, with more light (I think Abuelo's printer is to blame, it slightly darkens print-outs). On the way back home we picked up a box of powdered cereals to be prepared for my new diet in a week's time. We also called the nursery to see how they would feed me so as to plan my home feedings.
Daddy came home early (he claims it's to balance out the late meeting he has tomorrow, for which he'll surely have to stay a bit longer at the office). He and Mummy hooked up the old video with Abuelo's holiday tapes to the PC using an adapter (one of Abuelo's Christmas presents) and slowly got everything working except it's all in black and white.
There is now evidence I'm starting to prefer the bottle to the breast - this evening's feed I only had a bit of breast, so Mummy made a bottle and I gobbled it right down. Had a third bottle later on, my usual dinner, with Daddy, after a first course of breast (Daddy hadn't got the bottle prepared in time).