Saturday, 7 February 2009

A bit of home improvement

Woke up bright and early and exercised my lungs. Mummy got up, shooting a nasty glance at Daddy who was unable to. Anyone would think it was him who was drinking last night. Well, Mummy is a complete hero because not only did she spend the morning with me, but she also went of to the gym for a quick session. By now slothful Daddy had finally managed to open an eye.

By the time Mummy got back she was naturally knackered so she collapsed on the settee for a long siesta. After that she bounced up and Mummy and Daddy did a bit of home improvement. First they finally put a door on the wardrobe (to put up two would have been way too much for one day), and they also finished putting up white cloth blinds around the upper reaches of my room to hide the storage space. Then Daddy got the drill out to put up a shelve in the lounge. Gosh that was scary! The noise was so frightening I cried and cried until Mummy took me to the bathroom and shut the door to keep out the noise. Daddy must be so brave.