This Sunday we left a feeding before than last week and by the time we got to Cotos there were still some parking spaces left. The bar up there is non-smoking so I could have a quick feed there instead of in the car, donned on my snow suit, hopped into the pouch, and off we went. Finally I'll get to see the Laguna de los Pajaros, a place Daddy really wanted me to see as he reckons it's a magical spot in the sierra.
The way was a bit icy, so we had a few hairy moments, but Daddy's footing held out and after a couple of hours we were at the laguna. Yep, it's pretty magical up there, but also a bit cold, so we started the walk back after a few photos, stopping in a more secluded place for another feed. The whole way I was a great success, with loads of people saying I was really brave and would grow up to be a strong boy with all the fresh air and exercise.

Then the pouch was passed on to Mummy, but I made sure I did plenty of little noises to keep her happy knowing I was alive. A very kind couple we had crossed paths with a few times today offered Mummy a walking stick, which made the walk back a lot easier (plus by now the ice was a bit more slushy and not so slippery) so we have put a walking stick on the shopping list (until now Mummy and Daddy hadn't bothered as they had never really needed them).
When we got back to the parking area we returned the walking stick and lay down in the meadow to stretch out our legs and finish off the nibbles. As as it was cold I had my feed in the car. We then drove back home the long way round, not a great idea as it involved an extra hour (Mummy & Daddy didn't remember it taking so long) plus the lovely autumn colours weren't really out as the sun was so low.