Friday, 21 November 2008

Bus incident

Went walking to Prosperidad to visit some of Mummy's friends. Also got me another pair of shoes, brown this time, but we'll probably take them back for a bigger pair.

On the way back we had an incident on the bus. It was pretty crowded and we couldn't get by to the wheelchair/pram area so we stayed in the passageway. There was room for a person to pass, albeit with a bit of a squeeze. Well, one old man passed by and then started muttering about people with prams should not be allowed on if the bus was too full and blah-de-blah. Well, he started quite a revolution on the bus, most people defending us and calling him a grumpy old sod. It would have been funny if they started hitting each other over the head with their walking sticks, but it just calmed down after a bit, with people getting out of the way to let us pass to the "correct" area (though Mummy was adamant she wouldn't bundge until the bus stopped at a traffic light or something, and rightly so).

When Daddy was back from driving, we went down Fuencarral to put a deposit on the hotel reservation for our London visitors. On the way we also bought some theatre tickets (39 Steps) for Mummy & Daddy as I have decided to let them off for an evening in a couple of weeks time.